Zero Tolerance: Innovations in Sports Science (ISS) maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism in any form. This includes the copying or paraphrasing of textual content, and the unauthorized use of ideas, illustrations, or data without proper attribution. Only up to 10% of plagiarism is tolerable in any manuscript.

Pre-Submission Checks: Authors are encouraged to use plagiarism detection software to check their manuscripts before submission to ensure originality.

Screening Process: Upon submission, all manuscripts are screened for plagiarism using advanced plagiarism detection software. This helps identify potential instances of plagiarism at an early stage.

Responsibility of Authors: Authors must ensure that they cite others' work and ideas appropriately and provide complete references. The submitted work must be entirely original, and where the work and/or words of others are used, they must be appropriately cited or quoted.

Handling of Plagiarism: In cases where plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be rejected outright if the plagiarism is extensive. For less severe cases, authors will be asked to revise and resubmit their manuscripts after adequately crediting the original sources.

Educational Approach: The journal also takes an educational approach to plagiarism, providing guidelines and resources to help authors understand the importance of crediting others’ work properly and the standards of ethical publishing.

Editorial Oversight: The editorial board reserves the right to use editorial judgment in cases where plagiarism is suspected but the extent and intent are not clear.

Publication Corrections: If plagiarism is discovered after publication, the journal will take appropriate action in line with COPE guidelines, which may include issuing a correction, retraction, or statement of concern depending on the situation.

Collaboration with Institutions: The journal may collaborate with academic institutions to further investigate suspected cases of plagiarism and to promote ethical practices.